It is within the sharing and celebration of the Eucharist that we “become one body” through the power of the Holy Spirit. Celebrating the Eucharist inspires us to ensure that the true unity of humankind in Christ becomes a reality in our day. Celebrating Eucharist renews our commitment to building a more just and fraternal society, thus anticipating that kingdom of justice, love and peace, for which all humankind longs.
Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin “How deservedly do we keep the Feast of the Assumption with all solemnity. What reasons for rejoicing, what motives for exultation have we on this most beautiful day! The presence of Mary illumines the entire world so that even the holy city above has now a more dazzling splendor from the light of this virginal lamp. With good reason, thanksgiving and the voice of praise, resound today throughout the courts of heaven... let us not complain, for here we do not have a lasting city, but we seek one that is to come, the same which the blessed Mary entered today.” – St. Bernard of Clairvaux
September 2024
AuthorMembers of the Cleveland Comitium, Legion of Mary. Categories |